Poems For Teenagers




✌ "I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance."

Hi viewers, today we shall learn about some teenagers poems from various creative websites and blogs some of their links are given below. 

All poems are collected from net

Home alone

My family's gone; there's no one home.
It's only me who's home alone.
I shouldn't hear a single squeak.
There shouldn't even be a creak,

So what's that thumping that I hear?
It must mean one thing: death is near.
"You're an adult, you'll be just fine."
I tell myself as I dial "nine"...

Was that a knock upon the door?
My heart beats faster than before
I know it's closed; I've checked the lock.
At least my killer knows to knock?

I cannot sleep, though I'm in bed.
I've made amends with God instead.
If He decides that it's my time,
Then this will be my very last rhyme.

I hear a bang and then a break.
My head shoots up; there's no mistake!
I turn my music volume high
So I won't hear the way I die.

I run upstairs, a desk lamp in hand.
Over my head, ready to land,
And right before it did just that
I remembered - I have a cat.

In your heart

He was so proud of his little girl.
It was her very first day of school.
He walked with her to school that day,
And she held his hand all the way.
They walked together quiet and sad,
A little girl and her loving dad.
Into the school, her father led,
But he almost cried when she said,
"Daddy, Daddy, please don't go.
Don't leave me here all alone.
I'll miss you if you go away,
And I might need you; can't you stay?"
"Little Daughter, please don't cry.
You'll be okay, so dry your eyes.
You have our memories in your heart.
We're together though we're apart."

He sat up front on her wedding day
And cried as his daughter walked away.
Later that night he watched her dance.
He sat there waiting for his chance.
The band started to play their song.
Father and daughter danced along.
She looked at him and saw a tear
Then leaned and whispered in his ear,
"Daddy, Daddy, I have to go.
I hate to leave you all alone.
I'll miss you when I go away,
But if you need me then I'll stay."
"Little Daughter, I'll be just fine.
I'll love you always; you are mine.
I have our memories in my heart.
We're together though we're apart."

She came into his room and kissed his head
Then sat next to his hospital bed.
He took her hand and held it tight
And wished he had the strength to fight.
They sat together, quiet and sad,
A daughter and her dying dad.
He saw the tears she tried to hide.
She looked at him and then she cried.
"Daddy, Daddy, please don't go.
Don't leave me here all alone.
I'll miss you when you go away.
I still need you; you have to stay."
"Little Daughter, I love you so.
I want to stay but have to go.
I'll always be here in your heart.
We're together though we're apart."

The life of a cupcake

They put me in the oven to bake.
Me, a deprived and miserable cake.
Feeling the heat, I started to bubble.
Watching the others, I knew I was in trouble.

They opened the door and I started my life.
Frosting me with a silver knife,
Decorating me with candy jewels.
The rest of my batch looked like fools.

Lifting me up, she took off my wrapper.
Feeling the breeze, I wanted to slap her.
Opening her mouth with shiny teeth inside,
This was the day this cupcake died.

Today The Teacher Farted

Today the teacher farted.
It was an awful smell.
It was just like a rotting egg,
Straight from the depths of hell!

She tried to keep it secret
By sitting in a group.
But it was really obvious,
When she said, "Who did that poop?"

She screwed her bright, red face up
And blamed it all on Claire.
But later when I needed help,
The stench was round her chair!

She avoided my eye contact
And ticked my work in green.
But she knew that her body smells
Were foul and quite obscene.

I asked her what that smell was.
She said she'd not have a clue.
I hope to God that eggy smell
Were fart and not a poo!

Today the teacher farted.
My word, what had she ate?
I'll always remember what she did,
And now I'm thirty-eight!

My Big Fat Cat

I own a big fat cat-
The fattest for miles around.
Wherever there's lots of food,
That's where he'll be found.

He's really good at eating.
It's a talent, I suppose.
I'm sure if he keeps at it
He'd win the talent shows.

I own a big fat cat-
He weighs at least a ton.
He couldn't run to save his life.
Yes, he isn't much fun.

His favorite room's the kitchen.
(I'm sure we all know why.)
He eats just about everything,
So that's why, with a sigh...

I'd like to tell you, Teacher,
I'd like to tell you straight,
I might have "accidentally" dropped
My homework in his plate.

My Next Door Neighbor Is A Witch

My next-door neighbor is a witch,
And she lives way down in a ditch.
Her clothing is a little strange,
Because she never wants to change.
She has a black robe and a black hat,
Green skin and a smelly black cat.
A big fat wart grows on her nose,
And seventeen pimples on her toes.

But...her food is EVEN worse,
Because she eats it course by course.
Her first course is seven dead bats,
Laid on top of seven rats.
Then she has twenty flies
With lots and lots of llama eyes.
Her main course is a horrible soup,
Because it's made with doggie poop.
But worst of all is her dessert.
It's little children rolled in dirt.

Last night she had a witch's feast
And turned into a greedy beast.
I think she cooked my best friend Tilly
And ate her with some peas and broccoli.

When The World Turned Upside Down

The day when the world
turned upside down:
when a frown became a smile
and a smile became a frown.

When the mice chased the cats
the cats chased the dogs.
The dogs laughed out loud
at the pink and yellow frogs.

When you went to bed in the daytime
and got up at night.
When birds caught the school bus
and the cows took flight.

When the moon came out
in the middle of the day
and all of the ocean's fish
rolled around in the hay.

When the children ruled the world
and ice cream was for free
and the elephants shrank
to the size of a flea.

When the grass rained lollipops
up to the sky.
When you wanted to laugh
but could only cry.

When magic beans were real
and giants very small,
you would eat spiders legs
so you could creep up the wall.

This all happened when the
the world turned upside down
after I went to bed
with a smile - not a frown.

Who Am I?

Who am I?
I am a surprise
I don't have eyes
I'm wrapped in plastic
I am fantastic
I could be red
But I'm not dead
I could be blue
Bluer than you
I could be pink
But I don't think
Make up your mind
I'm not hard to find
You could find me in a Milk Bar
Or eat me in the car
I do not walk
I do not talk
But most of all I don't taste like pork
I am not shy
I do not cry
I will never let out a wimpy sigh
I find myself covered in spit
Then fall into a bottomless pit
Serena Williams likes my taste
But doesn't like tomato paste
Do not be scared of me
All I want to be is free
I am very nice
I don't taste like rice
You can't cut me into a slice
I'm filled with sugar
But don't think I'm a booger
Do not fear
I don't taste like beer
But when I'm around everyone will cheer
People will stop
When they see me in the shop
You'll buy me five times over
Like I'm a four-leaf clover
People say I rock
But I don't smell like a sock
You might say I'm a food
But I'm never in a bad mood
I might ask Sam
Who I am
He might say "What?"
And tell me who I'm not.

The Boy Who Didn't Like Ice Cream

A boy who didn't like ice cream?
That almost seems like a crime!
This is the story of Logan
And about trying foods more than one time.

Logan did not enjoy ice cream.
He thought it was too cold.
Too cold on his tongue, too cold on his teeth,
Too cold right down to his toes.

No one could believe it.
“Just try one bite!” they’d say.
He'd shake his head. “No, thank you,” he’d say.
“Maybe some other day.”

At parties, the zoo, at the beach,
Ice cream was everywhere,
But as everyone enjoyed the nice cold treat.
Logan preferred gummy bears.

One time Logan did try ice cream.
Took a big bite, his eyes squeezed.
As the ice cream melted in his mouth
He got a huge brain freeze!

“Never again!” Logan said!
“Eating ice cream is no fun!
I cannot freeze my brain again;
I've got only this one!”

No one was as upset
As one man, that is for sure.
It was Logan’s Pop-Pop,
The great ice cream connoisseur.

“Please, Logan!” Pop begged.
“Please try it one more time!
Just try a small bite,” Pop said.
“Your brain will be just fine.”

Logan gulped, his eye squinted tight.
Pop Pop was NEVER wrong.
Maybe just one more try won’t really hurt.
He decided to be strong.

“Little bites are the trick,”
Pop Pop winked and said.
“That way the cold goes to your tummy
Instead of to your head.”

So Logan scooped a tiny bite of
Homemade vanilla cream.
He squeezed his eyes, stuck out his tongue
And then let out a scream!

“I LIKE IT!” Logan yelled,
And Pop Pop laughed.
“I knew you would, my boy!”
They laughed and both enjoyed tummies full of ice cream joy.

So what did you learn from Logan?
Remember this little rhyme!
Trying new things doesn't hurt!
And try them more than one time!

Little Boy Blue

Please cover your nose.                                                                   
You sneezed on Miss Muffet
and ruined her clothes.
You sprayed Mother Hubbard
and now she is sick.
You put out the fire
on Jack's candlestick.
Your sneeze is the reason
why Humpty fell down.
You drenched Yankee Doodle
when he came to town.
The blind mice are angry!
The sheep are upset!
From now on, use a tissue
so no one gets wet!

Yucky Chucky Tucker

Yucky Chucky Tucker was smelly as can be,
he never took a bath and hardly ever brushed his teeth.
Everywhere he went he left an odor in the air,
and Yucky Chucky Tucker never combed his hair.
His hands were always dirty cause he played with stinky worms,
he never cared if he got sick, he wasn't afraid of germs.
He didn't have a lot of friends except for one or two,
till Yucky Chucky Tucker met little Linda Sue.
Linda was quite pretty, an awesome sight to admire
and Yucky Chucky Tucker would give anything to sit by her.
But he'd have to make some changes and what I mean by that,
Yucky Chucky Tucker would have to take a bath.
He'd have to wash his hands and scrub his dirty face,
and to clean his stained-up yellow teeth would take a tube of paste.
He'd have to wash his hair at least a dozen times,
to remove the terrible build-up of sticky greasy grime.
Then Yucky Chucky Tucker would have to change his clothes,
sprinkle on cologne, and find a bright red rose.
And maybe if he's lucky little Linda Sue,
might take another look at him and think he's really cute.
Funny how a pretty girl can change the way you think,
cause even Yucky Chucky Tucker washed away his stink,
All to catch the eye of little Linda Sue,
besides, her daddy owned a toy store, now what's a boy to do

Summer's Melody

Rippling crystal waters shine like silver to reflect summer's glow.
Soothing and calming in rhythm, echoing its lyrical flow.
The magical music of nature, a symphony of splendid delight.
Skies like blue oceans in paradise, birds soaring to grasp full flight.

Gentle swans glide gracefully, elegant yet proud and strong,
Birds and bees in unison, the joyful hum of nature's song.
Rolling summer meadows shimmer, like jewels in Mother Nature's crown.
Embellishing fields of emerald green draped in its golden gown.

Light sweet air blows softly, scented by the sweet cherry blossom in bloom.
Delicate, pretty petals lifting to dance in harmony with summer's tune.
The sounds and scents of summer, its melody light and free.
Sands of gold that glisten, embracing waves of a warm and whispering sea.

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/yucky-chucky-tucker

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/little-boy-blue

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/the-boy-who-didnt-like-ice-cream

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/my-next-door-neighbor-is-a-witch

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/my-big-fat-cat

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/were-together-though-were-apart

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/home-alone-3

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