
Hi viewers today we learn about festivals.


A day or period of celebration, typically for religious reasons is called festival.The origin of the word 'festival' can be traced to the Latin 'festa' meaning 'a religious holiday'. The adjective connected with 'festa' was 'festivalis', and that word came into English, via French, as the adjective 'festival' ('relating to a religious feast'.The word "festival" was originally used as an adjective from the late fourteenth century, deriving from Latin via Old French. In Middle English, a "festival dai" was a religious holiday. Its first recorded used as a noun was in 1589 (as "Festifall).

Festivals contribute immensely to feelings of social cohesion. Many such celebrations focus on cultural or ethnic topics and seek to inform community members of their traditions. They involve community elders sharing stories and experiences; setting templates for maintaining unity among families.The festival now, not only consists of costumes and dances, but also contests, such as art exhibits, beauty pageants, photo contests, and singing and dancing contests. Participants may also join the festival's activities, such as concerts, cultural shows, fireworks display, fun runs, and street fairs.

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