Neoplastic disorders - their causes and treatmeant

Neoplastic disorder Image of Neoplastic disorder Neoplastic disorders are diseases that involve abnormal growths of cells or tissues . They can be either malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous) . Malignant neoplasms can be classified into five main types, depending on the origin of the cells or tissues: carcinomas, sarcomas, myelomas, leukemias, and lymphomas . Neoplastic disorders can affect various parts of the body and cause different symptoms and complications. The diagnosis of neoplastic disorders involves a thorough examination of the patient’s medical history, physical examination, and blood tests. Further tests such as imaging and electrophysiology are ordered based on the symptoms and findings. Antibody tests are conducted to look for paraneoplastic antibodies in the blood, and hormone tests are performed to measure the levels of hormones such as cortisol, antidiuretic hormone, and parathyroid hormone, depending on the condition. Other tests u...