

Shree Jagannath Puri Temple is one of the most impressive monuments of the Indian State Odisha, was constructed by a famous king of the Ganga Dynasty Ananta Varman Chodaganga Deva dating back to the 12th century at the seashore Puri. 

“During Satyayuga, there was a great king, Indradyumna, who possessed all the noble qualities of a Brahmana. He was born in Suryavamsa in the fifth generation of Brahma and was a very religious man.”In order to see the deity, he observed fast unto death on Mount Neela. Once he heard a voice saying that he will see the deity so he sacrificed a horse and built a temple and Narada installed the idol of Sri Narsimha in the temple. One night he slept and saw Lord Jagannath in his dream. 

Though Jagannath's black hue is analogous to that of Lord Krishna, he actually represents the common farmer on the field who gets tanned by exposure to the scorching heatBecause of the spiritual ecstasy, Krishna's eyes became too big and his hands and legs got absorbed in his body. This form of Krishna is called Jagannath. So, Lord Krishna is called lord Jagannath when Krishna manifests the highest form of transcendental emotions. 

Above the Jagannath Temple Puri is an eight metal wheel (round shape), known as the Nilachakra. It is believed that this chakra creates obstacles in the communication of flying airplanes and hence the vimanas avoid flying over the temple. The shadow of the main dome always falls on the building itself and that's why invisible at any time. You can make out from the picture itself. . We can observe clearly, that the shadow is falling on the temple only. 

The flag on top of the temple strangely always floats in the opposite direction of the wind. The flag floating in opposite direction brings your scientific reasoning to a halt, and you just tend to believe that there is some force more powerful than science.  

The Brahma Parivartan (soul transfer) is the most important ritual of the Nabakalebara (change of body) of the Holy Trinity – Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Devi Subhadra – which comes once every 12 or 19 years. Nabakalebar is about the transformation of the Puri temple and Odisha lords into a new body. The new wooden idols of Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra, and Sudarshan are welcomed to the temple in celebration. 
The old idols are ritually buried in Koili Baikuntha in accordance with century-old Odia scriptures.'The Nabakalebara 2015 is a celebration of the ancient ritual of the Nabakalebara associated with most of the Jagannath Temples when the idols of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra, and Sudarshan are replaced by a new set of idols; the last such festival of events was held in 1996. 
Brahma padarthas' are core materials in the four wooden deities of Sri Jagannath temple. These core materials are transferred from the old idols to the new as a metaphor for the immortality of the soul and its reincarnations.

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