Huma HI FRIENDS TODAY WE SHALL LEARN ABOUT JAGANNATH Shree Jagannath Puri Temple is one of the most impressive monuments of the Indian State Odisha, was constructed by a famous king of the Ganga Dynasty Ananta Varman Chodaganga Deva dating back to the 12th century at the seashore Puri. “During Satyayuga, there was a great king, Indradyumna, who possessed all the noble qualities of a Brahmana. He was born in Suryavamsa in the fifth generation of Brahma and was a very religious man.” In order to see the deity, he observed fast unto death on Mount Neela. Once he heard a voice saying that he will see the deity so he sacrificed a horse and built a temple and Narada installed the idol of Sri Narsimha in the temple. One night he slept and saw Lord Jagannath in his dream. Though Jagannath's black hue is analogous to that of Lord Krishna, he actually represents the common farmer on the field who gets tanned by exposure to the scorching he...